Wednesday 17 October 2012

Chocolate Cupcake (2)

Another version of chocolate cupcake..using different recipe..personally i would prefer the previous ive tried..posted HERE..  that ive successfully tried twice..this version tastes okay as well as the texture..but i dont really love the faded-dark-chocolate color of the impression of less use of cocoa powder..(well..thats not true)..maybe i made some mistakes that i didnt realize..perhaps in preparation of the ingredients..hmm..anyway..lets go through the recipe that i get slight modification..pesal la pulak sebok nak tulis dalam English..pastu jadi oooo my english..abaikan je la eh grammatical error yang bersepah..hihi..jom layan resepi dulu..

Resepi olahan semula:



1/2 cawan cocoa powder
1/2 cawan air panas
2 1/4 cawan tepung naik sendiri
1/2 sudu kecil garam
1 cawan butter/ minyak jagung/ planta
1 2/3 cawan gula
3 biji telur saiz B
1 sudu kecil vanilla
3/4 cawan sour cream

Cara penyediaan:

Larutkan serbuk koko dalam air panas dan ketepikan.  Ayak tepug dan garam.  Satukan butter dan gula dalam pan.  Panaskan atas api kecil hingga gula larut.  Pukul guna mixer hingga larutan gula butter sejuk kira2 4 minit.  Masukkan telur satu2.  Diikuti dengan vanilla dan campuran serbuk koko.  Secara selang seli masukkan tepung dan sour cream.  Gaul rata menggunakan spatula.  Sedia dibakar pada suhu 170oC selama 20 minit.

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